A personal approach to your individual planning can involve many different areas:

All Financial Planning Clients Receive:

All financial planning clients receive an initial financial plan and regular progress and review meetings 2-4 times per year, based on complexity. Our open-door policy means you’re welcome to reach out to us whenever questions arise, and we’ll respond as quickly as possible. We’re here to provide guidance and support with any financial decisions life sends your way. Our services include:

  • Cashflow Planning
  • Debt Reduction Strategies
  • Family Wealth/Legacy Planning 
  • Major Life Transitions
  • Tax Planning
  • Education Planning
  • Asset Allocation Strategies
  • Estate Planning Review & Guidance
  • Health Care Planning
  • Elder Care/aging
  • Risk Mitigation Planning
  • Insurance Planning
  • Investment Management
  • Retirement Planning
  • Work-Optional Planning

For Small-Business Owners:

  • Retirement Plan Establishment 
    • 401(k)
    • Solo 401(k)
    • SEP IRA
    • Defined Benefit Plans
  • Compensation Strategies
  • Business Tax Planning Strategies
  • Diversification Strategies
  • Business Risk Management & Insurance Planning
  • Exit & Succession Planning
  • Business Consulting
  • Business Value Acceleration 

For Equity Compensated Employees:

  • Equity Compensation Planning
    • RSU
    • ESOP
    • ESPP
    • NSO
    • ISO
  • Company Benefit Planning
  • Guidance on Company-Sponsored Retirement Plans
  • Insurance Planning (HSA Management or Guidance)
  • Tax Planning Strategies
    • Tax-Favored Income
    • Benefits Planning

BPWM Proven Process Client Testimonials